
A shopping workflow consists of three sections: the Catalog, Carting, and the Order. This document provides general information on all three in addition to links to more indepth discussion on each.


  • The Catalog sub system houses all functionality to get items that can be added to a cart and purchased by the end user.
  • See Catalog for more info.


  • The cart holds all the information for a user's current shopping session. It includes all items, payments, taxes, discounts, and schedule items that are being considered for the final sale. NOTE: Carts do not support concurrent actions.
  • Carting

    • Carting refers to the actions that can be performed on carts. These actions are used to put together a cart that can be checked out.
  • Determining your shopping rules

    • To find the shopping rules that apply to you and your intended shopping location call theGET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Rules/Shopping. This will give you information such as restrictions or settings that must be abided by during your shopping workflows.
  • The Shopping Context

  • See Carting for more info.


  • An Order represents a finalized and processed cart. It is a final record of a successfully processed cart.


  • Scheduling involves the addition of support for bookings and applying payment to them within the carting workflows.
  • Scheduling cuts across all sections of the marketplace workflow: Catalog, Carting, and Order.
  • See Reconciliation for more info.