Endpoints for CatalogFeedAPI | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/CatalogFeed/OData?consumerId={consumerId} |
This endpoint construct a catalog feed (a collection of catalog items). The items to include are specified by an OData filter. OData FilteringTo specify which catalog items to include in the feed, you may include an OData $filter parameter. The available fields to filter by are described below.
For example, you may construct a feed containing contracts like so:
Result OrderingSome of the above fields can also be used in an $orderby OData parameter. For example you may order by price high to low like so:
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/CatalogFeed/ScheduleItem?consumerId={consumerId}&scheduleItemId={scheduleItemId}&serviceCategoryType={serviceCategoryType} |
Creates a CatalogFeed for ServicePricingOptions or Packages with ServicePricingOptions that can be used to pay for a scheduled item |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/CatalogFeed/{catalogFeedId}?skip={skip}&top={top} |
Gets the results for a CatalogFeed. This endpoint is intended to be polled. It will return Accepted if building of the CatalogFeed is still in progress. A CatalogFeed will have at most 250 items in it's result set. For a page size of 20: Page 1 (skip 0, top 20), Page 2 (skip 20, top 20), Page 3 (skip 40, top 20) |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/CatalogFeed/Search?consumerId={consumerId}&ignoreMembershipRestrictions={ignoreMembershipRestrictions} |
This endpoint construct a catalog feed (a collection of catalog items). The items to include are specified by an OData filter. OData FilteringTo specify which catalog items to include in the feed, you may include an OData $filter parameter. The available fields to filter by are described below.
For example, you may construct a feed containing contracts like so:
Result OrderingSome of the above fields can also be used in an $orderby OData parameter. For example you may order by price high to low like so:
PaginationA CatalogFeed will have at most 250 items in it's result set. Paging can be achieved with the OData $skip and $top parameters. For a page size of 20: Page 1 ($skip 0, $top 20), Page 2 ($skip 20, $top 20), Page 3 ($skip 40, $top 20) |
API Endpoints for managing SubscriberSettingsAPI | Description |
PUT Subscriber/Settings |
Update Subscriber Settings |
Working with payments in a shopping cart.API | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Payments |
adds payment method to a cart, using consumption amounts if provided |
DELETE Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Payments/{paymentItemId} |
Deletes payment method from a cart |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Payments |
Updates payment items |
API endpoints for location amenitiesAPI | Description |
GET Amenities |
Retrieve a list of all amenities that can be applied to a location. |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Amenities |
Retrieve a list of all amenities that can be applied to a location. |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Amenities |
Retrieve a list of all amenities assigned to the location indicated. |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Amenities |
Updates the amenities list assigned to a specific location to the amenities specified in the body. |
Provides endpoints for browsing the catalog of a businessTransactionReport
Controller for endpoints related to the transaction reportAPI | Description |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Report/Transaction/Query |
Endpoint to fetch data for the transaction report for the Filters provided. |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Report/Transaction/Export |
Endpoint to fetch the payment transaction records needed to populate a CSV file. |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Report/Transaction/Configuration |
Endpoint to fetch any configuration data for the transaction report. Provides data necessary to populate filters, search fields, default values, etc. |
Account contractsAPI | Description |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/AccountContract/{accountContractId}/Signature |
Puts account contract signature. Max file size of 4MB. |
Exposes methods for dealing with appointments.API | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/Appointments/Finalize |
Finalizes a list of appointments |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/Appointments/ResendFinalize |
Resend client form with specific appointment |
API endpoints for managing service category metadataAPI | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/ServiceTags/Suggestions |
Suggest a new service tag for an appointment |
Contains endpoints for order managementAPI | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Order/{orderId}/Tips |
Adds post auth tips to an order's credit card payments. Order must not be voided or refunded. Staff members receiving tips must be configured to do so. Tip amounts must be greater than 0. Payment transactions must not already be settled. A settled payment transaction cannot be modified. PaymentMethods must be the same PaymentMethod that was used in the original order creation. |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Order/{orderId}/Signature |
Puts order signature. Max file size of 4MB. |
Onboarding flows for Stripe for international (and domestic)API | Description |
GET v2/Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe/OnboardingRequirements |
Obtains the required fields and associated validations needed to onboard a subscriber at a country for a Stripe Payout account. |
GET v2/Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe/OnboardingBankRequirements |
Obtains the required fields and associated bank validations needed to onboard a subscriber at a country for a Stripe Payout account. |
GET v2/Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe |
Gets a subscriber Stripe account for an individual location. |
GET v2/Subscriber/{subscriberId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe/Status |
Gets all subscriber Stripe payout accounts and their associated statuses given you have the appropriate permissions. Includes both the Stripe specific status in addition to Stripe onboarding eligibility status. |
POST v2/Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe |
Creates a subscriber Stripe payout account for an individual location |
PUT v2/Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe |
Updates a subscriber Stripe payout account for an individual location |
POST v2/Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe/VerificationDocuments/Owner/{ownerIndex} |
Manages the identity verification document submission associated with Stripe accounts |
Working with items in a shopping cart.API | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Items |
Deprecated. Use Subscriber/{subscriberId:int}/Location/{locationId:int}/Cart/{cartId:guid}/Items2. Adds an item to a shopping cart |
POST v2/Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Items |
Adds an item to a shopping cart |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Items/{catalogItemId}?quantity={quantity} |
Adds an item to shopping cart via the catalog item id |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Items |
Updates an item in a shopping cart |
DELETE Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Items/{cartItemId} |
Deletes an item from a shopping cart |
This controller synchronizes data for subscribersAPI | Description |
POST Sync/Change |
Handle a change made to an entity |
POST Sync/SubscriberRiakDealsCatalog |
Fully sync all deals for a subscriber |
POST Sync/SubscriberRiakClassesCatalog |
Fully sync all classes for a subscriber |
POST Sync/SubscriberRiakClassesCatalogForDates |
Fully sync all classes for a subscriber for the given date |
POST Sync/OnInvoiceEmailRequested |
This method sends the invoice email with the pdf attachment (in bytes) to the recipient(s) |
POST Sync/OnInvoicesCreated |
This method is used to "Populate" an invoice after it has been reserved. One method of determining if an invoice has been populated is to check table Invoice.OriginalInvoiceData JSON contents and if it is not NULL, then it has been populated. |
POST Sync/OnInvoicePaymentsCreated |
This method is used to "Populate" several invoices in a separate queue than the main Sales workflows queue. Example: AutoPay invoices will use this workflow so to not disrupt/slow down the regular sale population workflow. |
POST Sync/Settings |
Sync settings for a subscriber |
API | Description |
GET subscriber/{subscriberId}/classinstances?StartDateTime={StartDateTime}&EndDateTime={EndDateTime}&LocationId={LocationId}&ServiceCategory={ServiceCategory}&ClassType={ClassType}&ClassLevel={ClassLevel}&TeacherId={TeacherId} |
Returns a list of classes for the specified subscriber according to the dates and filters provided in the request. |
Controller for Push related operationsAPI | Description |
POST push |
Raises an event to the push system |
Relating to purchases and viewing historical information on them such as summaries or receiptsAPI | Description |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Purchases/Contracts/Summary?ConsumerId={ConsumerId}&Skip={Skip}&Top={Top}&PurchaseStartDate={PurchaseStartDate}&PurchaseEndDate={PurchaseEndDate} |
Gets contracts purchase history summary |
Allows terminal management for POYNT devicesAPI | Description |
POST Terminal |
Creates a terminal using rest |
GET Terminals?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize} |
Finds a list of terminals with optional paging support |
GET Terminal/{id} |
Find a terminal by its id |
DELETE Terminal/{id} |
Remove a terminal by its terminal id |
GET TerminalLinks?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize} |
Finds a terminal along with its merchant account links, if they exist. Results returned are ordered by the terminal external id, studio name and location id. |
GET Terminal/{id}/MerchantAccounts |
Get all terminal merchant accounts associated with this terminal |
GET MerchantAccounts?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize} |
Gets all terminal merchant accounts, ordered by terminal external id, subscriber name and location id. |
GET Location/{id}/MerchantAccounts |
get list of terminal merchant accounts by location |
POST Poynt/MerchantAccount/Assign |
Add a terminal merchant account |
DELETE MerchantAccount/{id} |
Delete a terminal merchant account |
Cart schedule itemsAPI | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/ScheduleItems |
Adds schedule item to cart optionally with a payment option. |
DELETE Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/ScheduleItems/{cartScheduleItemId} |
Delete schedule item in cart. Returns 404 when not found. |
Endpoints for sending and resending appointment reminder notificationsAPI | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/AppointmentReminder/Resend |
Resend appointment reminders for the givin client ids, date, and time |
Cart account schedule item paymentsAPI | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/AccountScheduleItemPayments |
Adds account schedule item payment to cart. Returns 409 if already in cart. |
DELETE Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/AccountScheduleItemPayments/{cartAccountScheduleItemPaymentId} |
Removes cart account schedul eitem payment from cart. Returns 404 when not found. This will leave any schedule items that were linked to it within the cart. |
Subscriber configuration changes.API | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Configuration/DynamicPricingConfiguration |
Update the opt in and enabled status of the Dynamic Pricing Configuration |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Configuration/MerchantProcessorConfiguration |
Gets the Merchant Processor Configuration values for the subscriber The authentication for this endpoint uses the X-SERVICE-TRUST header along with your JWT i.e. X-SERVICE-TRUST: {{jwt}} |
Sales CartsAPI | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Carts/StartShopping?consumerId={consumerId} |
Attempts to start a shopping session. Will either return an existing valid cart, or create a new one. |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Carts/StartWalkInShopping |
Attempts to start a shopping session for a walk in consumer. |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Carts/{cartId}/Checkout |
Checkout a cart and initiate payment processing. GetCart must be used to check payment processing status. Returns metadata about the order and account information that is pending finalization from this cart's processing. This data is only usable if the cart successfuly processes. |
DELETE Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Carts/{cartId} |
Abandon Cart |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Carts/{cartId} |
Returns Cart |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Carts/{cartId}/ChangeLocation |
Attempts to change the location context of a cart |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Consumer/{consumerId}/Carts/Identifiers |
Finds current cart identifiers for a consumer. They are ordered by most recent first. |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Carts/{cartId}/StartPoyntTransaction |
Marks the cart as participating in a client side transaction. Transaction will be completed once a cart is checked out and finalized successfully. |
Used to manage fee rates for subscribers (primarily stripe right now). Provides accessto default rates as well as custom subscriber rates.
API | Description |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/ApplicableFeeRates |
Retrieves all applicable fee rates for a subscriber. |
Rules within the Subscriber Sales systemAPI | Description |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Rules/Shopping |
Gets global shopping rules for the acting user at the subscriber |
API endpoints for dynamic pricingAPI | Description |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/DynamicPricing/Organization |
Retrieve dynamic pricing organization meta data |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/DynamicPricing/Organization |
Add an organization |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/DynamicPricing/Organization |
Updates an organization |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/DynamicPricing/DropInPrice/{dropInPrice} |
Gets dynamic pricing defaults |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/DynamicPricing/Configurations |
Retrieve dynamic pricing configs data |
API endpoints for location ownersAPI | Description |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/LocationsOwnedByCurrentUser |
Get a list of location identifiers corresponding to locations that the requesting user is an owner of |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/LocationOwners |
Add staff members as location owners |
DELETE Subscriber/{subscriberId}/LocationOwners |
Delete staff members as location owners |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/LocationOwners |
Update location owners' IsLocked values. |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/LocationOwners |
Get a list of all locations that have owners set, and the LocationOwner object for each. |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/EligibleLocationOwners?skip={skip}&take={take} |
Get a list of all users for a subscriber that are eligible to be location owners |
API | Description |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/CartUsers/Staff?EarnsCommissions={EarnsCommissions}&ReceivesTips={ReceivesTips}&IsSalesRep={IsSalesRep} |
Searches for staff that are usable in carting actions (is either a sales rep, earns commissions, and/or can receive tips). |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Carting/Users/ShoppingProfile/{consumerId} |
Fetches the shopping profile for a consumer |
Allows terminal managementAPI | Description |
POST Poynt/Terminal/Assign |
Creates a request to assign a poynt terminal. This will create the terminal if it does not exist along with the merchant account information. Warning: Please NOTE that If the terminal is already assigned to a different subscriber, all links to the previous subscriber will be REMOVED. |
POST Subscriber/Poynt/Terminal/Assign |
Creates a request to assign a poynt terminal. This will create the terminal if it does not exist along with the merchant account information. Warning: Please NOTE that If the terminal is already assigned to a different subscriber, all links to the previous subscriber will be REMOVED. |
Exposes methods for dealing with reservations.API | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/Reservations/Finalize |
Finalizes a list of reservations(classes/enrollments) |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/Reservations/FinalizeRecurring |
Finalizes a group of recurring reservations(classes/enrollments) |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/Reservations/Cancellations/Finalize |
Finalizes a list of cancelled reservations(classes/enrollments) |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/Reservations/ResendFinalize |
Resend client form finalize |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/Reservations/Waitlist/Finalize |
Finalizes a list of reservation from waitlist confirmations |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/Reservations/Waitlist/FirstToClaim |
Sends first-to-claim notifications to clients on a waitlist |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/Reservations/Waitlist/PaymentIssue |
Sends payment issue notification to clients on a waitlist |
MINDBODY Network changes and informationAPI | Description |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/MindbodyNetwork/Configuration |
Called to fetch Mindbody Network configuration for the subscriber. |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/MindbodyNetwork/DynamicPricingConfiguration |
Called to update dynamic pricing configuration for the subscriber. |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/MindbodyNetwork/PromotedDealsConfiguration |
Called to update promoted deals configuration for the subscriber. |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/MindbodyNetwork/PartnerNetworkConfiguration |
Called to update promoted deals configuration for the subscriber. |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/MindbodyNetwork/PartnerNetworkConfiguration/AutoEnable |
Called to update partner network configuration for the non SA subscriber(first time only). |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/MindbodyNetwork/ConfigurationManagement |
Gets Mindbody Network configuration management information for the subscriber |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/MindbodyNetwork/CheckIfEligibleForPartnerNetworkAutoEnable |
Check whether studio is eligible for auto enable partner network or not |
Working with packages in a shopping cart.API | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Packages |
Adds a package to a shopping cart. For contracts with autopays, the valid payment method types are CreditCards and AccountBalance. |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Packages |
Updates a package in a shopping cart. Use Item endpoints to update items within a package. For contracts with autopays, the valid payment method types are CreditCards and AccountBalance. |
DELETE Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Packages/{cartPackageId} |
Deletes a package from a shopping cart |
Controller for the Sales Service smoke testAPI | Description |
GET SmokeTest/Ping |
The ping endpoint for the application |
GET SmokeTest/Status |
The Status endpoint for the application |
Relating to purchases and viewing historical information on them such as summaries or receiptsAPI | Description |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Order/{orderId}/Receipts?types[0]={types[0]}&types[1]={types[1]} |
Gets receipts for an order. This will return all receipts requested as one response. The request below generates a merchant copy receipt:
To also generate a customer copy, include a Both receipts will be returned individually, along with a combined version separated by a page break for easy printing. |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/AccountContract/{accountContractId}/Agreement |
Gets account contract agreement receipt |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Order/{orderId}/Receipt/Send |
Triggers the sending of an order receipt notification. Accepts configuration overrides |
Controller for Kafka message publishingAPI | Description |
POST kafka/{subscriberId}/publish |
Publish message |
Exposes methods for dealing with client form.API | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Scheduling/ClientForm/SendForm |
Resend client form with specific form Id |
Catalog controllerPayoutReport
Controller for endpoints related to the subscriber payout reportAPI | Description |
GET subscriber/{subscriberId}/report/payout?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&page={page} |
Endpoint to fetch data for the subscriber payout report for the date range specified. |
GET subscriber/{subscriberId}/report/payout/configuration |
Endpoint to fetch any configuration data for the subscriber payout report. For example, the first payout date is needed for populating date dropdowns. |
GET subscriber/{subscriberId}/report/payout/export?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Returns an exported CSV of the currently filtered payout report. |
Subscriber configuration changes.API | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe |
Creates a new default payout account for a subscriber. |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe |
Updates a subscriber stripe payout account with the values in provided account |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe |
Fetches a subscriber stripe payout account given a subscriber id |
GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe/Status |
Fetches the status of a subscriber stripe payout account. Includes eligibility status for determining the existance of a subscriber payout account and whether a subscriber can be migrated to a stripe account. |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/PayoutAccount/Stripe/Migrate |
Migrates from subscribers using TSYS for dynamic pricing to a subscriber stripe payout account for dynamic pricing. |
Endpoint to be used for Stripe webhook events.API | Description |
POST StripeWebhook/Handler/{platformName}?testMode={testMode} |
The action to handle the Stripe Platform webhook events. |
POST StripeWebhook/Handler |
The action to handle the Stripe Platform webhook events. |
POST StripeWebhook/ConnectHandler/{platformName}?testMode={testMode} |
The action to handle the Stripe Connect webhook events. |
POST StripeWebhook/ConnectHandler |
The action to handle the Stripe Connect webhook events. |
Controller that handles discountAPI | Description |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Discounts |
Adds Catalog Discount Item to cart |
POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Discounts/Promotions |
Adds a promotion code to the cart |
PUT Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Discounts |
Update a discount item that exists in a cart |
DELETE Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Location/{locationId}/Cart/{cartId}/Discounts/{discountItemId} |
Removes a discount item from the cart |
Endpoints for initializing and configuring an accounting integrationAPI | Description |
GET {scope}/AccountingIntegration/{accountingType}/Initialize |
Initializes the workflow for configuring an accounting integration; the next step in the workflow should be determined based on the Status property Examples: Status of Available means the next step is to go through the oauth linking process, Status of Initialized means the next step is to go through the mapping configuration process, Status of Configured means they can skip to the management/history step |
POST {scope}/AccountingIntegration/{accountingType}/Map |
Stores an AccountingMap for the provided subscriber Can be used to save a single map or a collection |
POST {scope}/AccountingIntegration/{accountingType}/Save |
Validates and saves the integration for the provided subscriber. If it is valid, it updates the integration status to be "Configured" |
POST {scope}/AccountingIntegration/{accountingType}/Sync |
Kicks off the sync process for sales data |
POST {scope}/AccountingIntegration/{accountingType}/Resync |
Kicks off the a resync request for the specified sync record. This action is idempotent in the sense that once a sync has successfully pushed all orders, calling this again for that sync will have no effect other than to confirm that the sync has been successful. |
POST {scope}/AccountingIntegration/{accountingType}/Remove |
Removes the stored integration |
POST {scope}/AccountingIntegration/{accountingType}/Refresh |
Forces a manual refresh of any cached configuration data within the integration |
POST {scope}/AccountingIntegration/{accountingType}/SaveXeroTaxRate |
Adds a new Xero tax rate. Note that the entry-point is specific to integration type, but there could potentially be multiple entry points that use the same service call. |