Accounting » AccountingIntegration/Map



An AccountingIntegration holds a collection of "maps", or connections between MINDBODY configuration items and a third-party integrator's configuration items. So, for example, when an Order is processed in MINDBODY with an OrderItem under a specific RevenueCategory, a connection needs to exist between that RevenueCategory and whatever the integrator's equivalent is, so that the Order can be "mapped" and sent over to the integrator.

This endpoint provides the ability to save desired maps.

How It Works

Send a POST request to this endpoint with the Collection of AccountingMaps you wish to save. The server will first perform a lookup on the entire stored AccountingIntegration for the provided scope, and then integrate the maps that were passed in and validate them in the context of the integration. The maps that pass validation are saved and then the entire resulting integration object is returned.

This works as a selective save or update, only having an effect on the specific maps that are passed and leaving any other saved mappings as they are. Thus, you can choose to save maps one by one or bulk-save everything at once, whatever works better for your application.

Currently, only users with the role of MINDBODY Owner have permission to access the Map endpoint.

How To Use It

  • Scoping

    URL conventions are used to specify the request scope. Every request must provide 2 scope parameters: the subscriber domain scope (Subscriber/Region/Custom) and the accounting integration type scope. Currently the only supported domain scope type is subscriber, so every request must include the subscriber id. All currently supported integration types are specified in EAccountingIntegrationType.

    All requests should look like:{subscriberId}/AccountingIntegration/Type_{integrationType}/Map, where {subscriberId} is the supplied subscriber id and {integrationType} is a value from EAccountingIntegrationType.

  • Handling the Result

    Be sure to inspect the maps in the returned integration object for any ErrorFlags that may have been set during the validation process. If a flag does exist on a map you expected to have saved, it could be that the configuration item no longer exists on either MINDBODY's side or the integrator's side.

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