The Orders endpoint uses the OData standard with HATEOAS-style navigation links to expose data and allow querying of the specific information that is needed. It is read-only, and cannot be used to place or edit Orders.
While it is possible to pull all of the information contained within an Order at once, we recommend that you only retrieve the specific information that you need in order to ensure efficiency and scalability for your application.
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | Unique identifier for the Order | string | Key |
Type | Type of the order | EOrderType | None. |
OrderDate | When the Order was placed, in local subscriber time | DateTime | ConcurrencyCheck |
LocationId | Id of the location at which this order was created | string | None. |
Purchaser | Person placing the Order | Purchaser | Contained |
Items | The list of Items that are part of this Order | Collection of OrderItem | Contained |
Cost | The cost of the Order | OrderCost | Contained |
Payments | The list of Payments applied to the Order | Collection of Payment | Contained |
LastModifiedTime | The time the Order was last modified in UTC | DateTimeOffset | None. |
CreatedTime | The time the Order was created in UTC | DateTimeOffset | None. |
Name | Value | Description |
Sale | 0 | A Sale-type Order; this is the average case of a consumer purchasing goods or services |
Refund | 1 | A Refund-type Order, in which goods or services were returned for a refund |
Void | 2 | A Void-type Order, where the transactions were voided completely |
VoidRefund | 3 | A Voided Refund-type Order, where the transaction in which goods or services were returned was voided |
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | Unique identifier for the Purchaser | string | Key |
FirstName | First name of the Purchaser | string | None. |
LastName | Last name of the Purchaser | string | None. |
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | Unique identifier for this Item in the context of the Order | string | Key |
OrderId | Foreign key reference to the Order this Item is a part of | string | None. |
Name | Display name for the Item | string | None. |
Quantity | Multiplier for the number of identical items that were sold in this OrderItem. Note that this functionality is deprecated; going forward, each distinct item sold should have its own OrderItem. | int | None. |
Cost | The cost of the Order Item | OrderItemCost | Contained |
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
OrderItemId | Foreign key reference to the Order Item this Order Item Cost is for | string | None. |
NetPrice | Base price of the Order Item without discounts or taxes | decimal | None. |
AskingPrice | The price that was set as the base price by the business and that the consumer agreed to. This is the same as NetPrice in non vat subscribers. In vat subscribers this price is different since taxes are included in their asking price. This is the price that would be user settable in certain instances depending on permissions | decimal | None. |
ItemTotal | The computed actual amount being paid in total for this item including taxes and discounts | decimal | None. |
RevenueCategoryId | The reference to the Revenue Category | string | Contained |
Discounts | Discounts that were applied to the Order Item, Up to 1 | Collection of Discount | Contained |
NoTax | Designates whether the item was sold with the "No Tax" option specified Warning: value not valid on Orders of type "Void" or "VoidReturn" | bool | None. |
Taxes | Tax Rates that were applied to the Order Item, Up to 5 | OrderItemTax | Contained |
Payments | Payments that were applied to the Order Item | OrderItemPayment | Contained |
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Amount | The amount of the discount | decimal | None. |
Percentage | The precentage it took from the item | double | None. |
RedemptionCode | Any redemption code that was used for this discount | string | None. |
DiscountReferenceId | Reference to the Discount | string | None. |
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
OrderItemId | Foreign key reference to the Order Item this Tax is for | string | None. |
TaxNumberReference | A reference to the tax that was applied. Valid values are 1-5 inclusive. | string | None. |
Amount | The amount of the tax | decimal | None. |
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | Unique identifier for the OrderItemPayment | string | Key |
OrderItemId | Reference to the Order Item this paid for | string | None. |
PaymentId | Reference to the overall Payment that was made, of which this may only be part | string | None. |
Amount | The amount from the Payment that was applied to the Order Item | decimal | None. |
DiscountAmount | The discount amount attributed to this Order Item Payment | decimal | None. |
TaxAmounts | The tax amounts attributed to this Order Item Payment | Collection of decimal | None. |
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
OrderId | Foreign key reference to the Order this Cost pertains to | string | Key |
Total | The total amount that was paid | decimal | None. |
Tax | The total tax that was paid | decimal | None. |
Discount | The total discount that was applied | decimal | None. |
Shipping | The total shipping cost that was applied | decimal | None. |
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Id | Unique identifer for the Payment | string | Key |
OrderId | Foreign key reference to the Order this Payment was applied to | string | None. |
PaymentMethodId | The reference to the Payment Method | string | None. |
Amount | The amount that was recorded for the Payment | decimal | None. |
Currently, only users with the role of MINDBODY Owner and the MINDBODY Automated System have permission to access this resource.
Every request to the Orders endpoint must be scoped; a URL convention is used to
specify the request scope. Currently the only supported scope type is subscriber, so
every request must include the subscriber id.
Requests should look like:{subscriberId}/Orders,
where {subscriberId} is the supplied subscriber id.
You can use the $format parameter to specify the verbosity of the output; supplying "odata.metadata=full" will ensure all possible OData links are returned in the payload.
For example, the following request:{subscriberId}/Orders?$format=application/json;odata.metadata=full
will return a payload that looks like the following:
{ "@odata.context":"{subscriberId}/$metadata#Orders", "@odata.count":1234, "value":[ { "@odata.type":"", "":"{subscriberId}/Orders('{orderId}')", "@odata.etag":"W/\"XXXXXXXXXXXXX\"", "@odata.editLink":"{subscriberId}/Orders('{orderId}')", "Id":"{orderId}", "[email protected]":"#Mindbody.Api.Subscriber.Areas.Accounting.Models.EOrderType", "Type":"{orderType}", "[email protected]":"#DateTimeOffset", "OrderDate":"{orderDate}", "LocationId":"{locationId}", "[email protected]":"#DateTimeOffset", "LastModifiedTime":"{lastModifiedTime}", "[email protected]":"#DateTimeOffset", "CreatedTime":"{createdTime}", "[email protected]":"{subscriberId}/Orders('{orderId}')/Purchaser/$ref", "[email protected]":"{subscriberId}/Orders('{orderId}')/Purchaser", "[email protected]":"{subscriberId}/Orders('{orderId}')/Items/$ref", "[email protected]":"{subscriberId}/Orders('{orderId}')/Items", "[email protected]":"{subscriberId}/Orders('{orderId}')/Cost/$ref", "[email protected]":"{subscriberId}/Orders('{orderId}')/Cost", "[email protected]":"{subscriberId}/Orders('{orderId}')/Payments/$ref", "[email protected]":"{subscriberId}/Orders('{orderId}')/Payments" }, ... ], "@odata.nextLink":"{subscriberId}/Orders?$format=application/json;odata.metadata=full&$skip=50&$top=50" }
Paging is crucial when using the Orders endpoint, because there is potentially a lot of retrievable data. The server enforces a max page size of 100, and we recommend a page size of 50.
Note, in the example above (under odata.metadata=full), the $skip and $top parameters specified in the nextLink. In the event that there are more Orders than the $top specified in the original request (or 50, if no $top was specified) - which is the case in the example, since the total count of Orders is 1,234 - a nextLink is provided with $skip and $top parameters that will provide you with the next page of results. Upon submitting a request to the nextLink URL, you would receive a payload that looks like the following:
{ "@odata.context":"{subscriberId}/$metadata#Orders", "@odata.count":1234, "value":[ ... ], "@odata.nextLink":"{subscriberId}/Orders?&$skip=100&$top=50" }And you could continue navigating the provided nextLinks until you have retrieved all 1,234 Orders.
It is recommended to provide specific filters when accessing Orders, since there can be a great store of data and you are unlikely to get what you actually need without narrowing the scope a little. Targeting the specific information you need will also increase the performance for your app.
The simplest (and recommended) way to limit the results is based on time - either when
Orders were created or when they were last modified. If you wanted to retrieve all
Orders processed since yesterday, for example, you would submit the following request:{subscriberId}/Orders?&$filter=LastModifiedTime ge 2025-02-20T00:00:00.0000000Z
Tip: When building requests with time filters from C# code, you can utilize the built-in DateTime formatter "ToString("o")" in order to get a properly formatted parameter value. Also, remember that the CreatedTime and LastModifiedTime properties are in UTC!
See also the section in the OData docs on Primitive Literals for more examples of how to represent filter values in your queries.
You have 2 options when trying to fetch the data contained within the Orders resource. As you can see in the example from the odata.metadata=full section, you can utilize navigation links to drill down into the contained resources.
You can also utilize the $expand parameter in order to retrieve the information
you need. Doing it this way allows for slightly more flexibility, because you can
specify all the information you need at once (if you need more than one of the
contained resources on an Order) For example, retrieving both the Items and Payments
on the Order would look like:{subscriberId}/Orders?$expand=Items,Payments