Accounting » AccountingIntegration/Remove



The Remove endpoint is used to remove the link between MINDBODY and the provided third-party integrator.

How It Works

The Remove endpoint deletes all data we have on an integration between MINDBODY and the provided third-party integrator, returning a boolean indicator of its success.

Currently, only users with the role of MINDBODY Owner have permission to access the Remove endpoint.

How To Use It

  • Scoping

    URL conventions are used to specify the request scope. Every request must provide 2 scope parameters: the subscriber domain scope (Subscriber/Region/Custom) and the accounting integration type scope. Currently the only supported domain scope type is subscriber, so every request must include the subscriber id. All currently supported integration types are specified in EAccountingIntegrationType.

    All requests should look like:{subscriberId}/AccountingIntegration/Type_{integrationType}/Remove, where {subscriberId} is the supplied subscriber id and {integrationType} is a value from EAccountingIntegrationType.

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